This meme was posted on LinkedIn earlier and the subsequent commentary by the author included this: “It’s either right or wrong. It’s either done the correct way […]
This meme was posted on LinkedIn earlier and the subsequent commentary by the author included this: “It’s either right or wrong. It’s either done the correct way […]
QFO: What is the first step that I should take before I build my own restaurant? Answer: Build your team.
Lots of articles preach and even more tongues wag about how the #1 reason people leave jobs is a bad boss. This is wrong.
Q: Is it better for a restaurant to limit its options per food category or to have as many choices as possible? A: There is no right […]
How do you make a small fortune in the restaurant business? Start with a large one.
A Loyalty Program is meant to maintain and strengthen the relationship between the Guest and your brand.
By definition, when you follow best practices, you’re following a well-informed crowd of other operators. You’re standing on the shoulders of others’ experiences and avoiding having to […]
You can capture it up to the point you surrender the Guest experience to a third party app. Which is why third party apps should never be […]
The message this graphic and the accompanying quote portend is just plain wrong. There are a ton of variables that go into culture and behavior. What you […]
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination.
At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.
User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.
Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test.
Disney recently posted this and it about exploded my brain. You can’t plan the entire Guest experience. You need spontaneity in order to capture those moments that […]
Q: “I get so frustrated with myself on a weekly if not daily basis . Like how can I set personal or work goals and then continue […]
Q: How true is this statement? “Employee Engagement is something all organizations need, but it is tricky to tactically execute.” A: “…tricky to tactically execute…” : It’s […]
And now for the latest episode of ‘ Wrong Headed Thinking’ “Slower, lower priority days don’t require the same degree of skills and offer more flexibility when […]
Q: Shouldn’t you use social platforms like TripAdvisor to market your business? A: No. You shouldn’t use a consumer platform (which is what social media sites are) […]
Massimo Bottura: “I have a test that I do with my chefs—it’s called “Who Are You?” You have to express yourself in an edible way—or even in […]
“One of the biggest myths is that we have a retention problem.”