“…it becomes increasingly necessary for businesses to offer real value in the guest experiences by connecting with guests on a more social level at all touch points possible.”
“…it becomes increasingly necessary for businesses to offer real value in the guest experiences by connecting with guests on a more social level at all touch points possible.”
What is critically important to understand about rules-of-thumb however, is that each business is unique and not every guideline will relate to every business in the same way or with the same context.
First off, you have to understand what goes in/on/around your business from the guest’s perspective is how the Guest Experience (Gx) is defined, not yours.
Some of the ins and outs of managing your food cost.
Being technically proficient is an important fundamental to master but the degree of hospitality necessary to add meaningfully differentiated value is much, much higher.
I’ve never met an operator who had really great interviewing skills. Here’s a good start on how to get better.
Fortunately, time doesn’t stop.
Suffice it to say that there are many, many options based on the understanding and execution by the operator of what a strategic marketing plan will do for those slow times and the business overall.
Bad Service Is The Norm
When we talk about food cost, we must keep in mind that overemphasizing percentages without understanding the dynamics behind them, can actually reduce real profits.