10 Things I Do Differently

- I can’t help anyone who doesn’t want to be helped, and I don’t try.
- I give you my very best advice. Whether you accept it and act on it is a commentary on you, not me.
- If there are three options and I suggest the first, but you prefer the second and I think it will work, I will help you. But if you prefer a third that clearly won’t work, I’m not going to help you to fail.
- I don’t do ‘cookie cutter’ programs. Most consultants or ‘coaches’ will offer you the same product, calibrated the same way, used on every ‘client’ they have ever come across. It’s amateurish in the least and mediocrity at best. I learn your business. I understand your market and the context for both that will create an innovation strategy that
pushespullsdrags you into playing at a higher level. - I don’t do hourly fees. They’re unethical and the surest sign of an amateur.
- I don’t do band-aids. A lot of clients initially call wanting this or that just to quickly get rid of something painful. However, most of the time “this or that” is not what they need. I dig deeper into the issues and come up with a course of action that doesn’t just fix what’s broken (‘fixing’ things never sticks and doesn’t work long-term) but innovates their business so that the issue ceases to ever need to be fixed again. That’s real success.
- I involve everyone. Every engagement becomes an “all hands on deck’ situation. That includes managers, hourly staff and even guests.
- I return all phone calls within 90 minutes. And if I can’t, I’ll call you to tell you when I will call you back – within 90 minutes.
- I work quickly. This isn’t rocket surgery. I’ve been doing this for four decades. People with my level of successful experience should be able to give you answers once they have all the facts.
- I don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Most successful operators already do lot’s of things that are good for them, so I just double down on those and force them to stop doing things that are inhibiting growth. It really is that simple – it’s just not that easy.
I challenge behavior. I’m not your ‘yes’ man. I’m your ‘yes we can’ man. I will tell show you what you need to do differently in order to achieve your business goals – whether you want to hear the truth or not. With me, you have no choice but to listen. I also don’t care if ‘that’s how you’ve always done it’. Anchoring yourself to any single course of action is just plain dumb.
I think differently. At my core is a focus on creating meaningfully differentiated value for both your guests and your business. I turn things upside down and inside out until I get at the real issues which will drive real outcomes.
I believe in a deliverable ROI. When you engage me, you are investing in your business and your people. There should always be a measurable return on that investment. You should also know what that will be prior to engaging me. My goal is to deliver a 1,000% ROI.
Digging Deeper
Are You Ready For
Your One-On-One?
The two choices you have are: To step forward into growth or
remain in your death spiral.